ANNOUNCING! Last Summer at Camp Righteous by Ollie Hicks

Here at Good Comics, we’re used to being surrounded by incredibly talented and funny people. This sounds like a humble-brag. And yeah, it is. Because Ollie Hicks is one of those people.

Last Summer at Camp Righteous is funny, raunchy and impossible to put down. In this comic we meet Charity, who at 18 is heading to Camp Righteous for the last time. She’s determined to find herself a nice Christian husband, but is her path to righteousness as simple as she hopes?

Camp Righteous is the premier Christian summer festival for teens. It boasts worship, friendship, bad weather, gross cheesy chips, and a bunch of horny losers trying to get some in between the purity seminars.

Friendship, faith, filth, and striking out with your crush combine in this colourful story that will leave you spiritually challenged (and loving it).

If you’ve read Hicks’ other work – Grand Slam Romance, co-created with their wife Emma, or the Sarararara series – you’ll know they have this incredible talent for comics.

Pre-order your copy today!

Praise for Camp Righteous:

“CAMP RIGHTEOUS is a filthy, funny and highly sacrilegious good time. Ollie’s bold cartooning, dynamic page layouts and commitment to all things sweaty are divine, and their work makes me proud to be a Hicks in comics.”

– Josh Hicks, creator of Glorious Wrestling Alliance and Hotelitor (no relation)

“Hicks’ nostalgic colour palette and expressive paneling create a church of their own in this juicy and sinful cumming-of-age story loaded with signature humour and exquisite, writhing performances.”

– Sidney McLeod, creator of GUTS

Launching Friday 18 April 2025.
18+ readers only.

Yep, we’re launching on Good Friday. Seems apt, right?

3×23: Ollie Hicks

Can you sum up your work in 3 words?

Funny, gay, energetic

What comics plans do you have for 2023?

So much! Possibly too much! My debut graphic novel is out! I co-created GRAND SLAM ROMANCE Book 1 with my wife, the unbelievably talented Emma Oosterhous and it’s finally coming out in the UK in June 2023. It’s a ridiculous, funny, sweaty, sexy story about softball lesbians and magical girls and long-lost love! So we’re launching that, and soon (very soon -like this week!) I’m going to sit down and start writing GSR Book 3!

I’m also co-editing a smut anthology with the amazing Tab Kimpton and Niki Smith called Succulent, which is opening submissions soon and I’m SO EXCITED to edit it!

I’m also working on solo stuff! I debuted Butch Bros Vs The Skate Park in Short Box Comics Fair 2022 and just fell completely in love with the characters – two butch himbos who are ride or die for each other but keep falling out over sexy supernatural creatures – and so I made a sequel, Butch Bros Vs The Resignation Letter, which is out in April. I really love this comic and I’ve really pushed myself as a colourist making it, so I’d like to do a third and final instalment, but that’s going to probably be 2024 because I somehow have another comics project this year! This final project is a solo comic, a little longer than my usual 24 pages, and a bit more reflective. It’s a story that’s been brewing inside me for ten years at least, and I’m excited to start writing it. But that one’s a secret for now!

Up to anything else exciting this year?

Laughs feebly Nope! Just comics!!! I’ve had a really exciting* couple of years with the pandemic where a bunch of life stuff happened and making comics sort of went on the back burner, except for Grand Slam. I’m really happy and grateful to have a few months this year to be more creative and draw more.

*Absolutely soul crunchingly awful

You can order GRAND SLAM ROMANCE BOOK 1 here. Or go here for a list of UK queer indie bookshops that you can request it from.