Can you sum up your work in 3 words?
Experimental, textured, sincere
What comics plans do you have for 2023?
I’ve got quite a lot boiling away… ‘The Gone Tower’ is a project where I post a new comic page every day on Patreon (following on from a similar project last year called ‘The Sluice’). I’ve set up a small press with my daughter Martha called ‘Absolute Collider’ so we can release comics we’ve done either together (like ‘Ghosts In Things’) or separately – Martha’s got a zine of paintings called ‘Panjabear’ ready to come out, and I’m doing some collaborations with writers (‘Kynance’ with Kate Dowling and ‘Atlas’ with Andrew Mbaruk). And I’m also doing a sequel to the comic I made using Sean Azzopardi’s studio off-cuts… the first was ‘Jetwash Tramploine’ and the sequel is called ‘Detergent Bouncehouse’. Oh! And I’m working on a comic called ‘Between Teeth’ for Douglas Noble’s Pocket Chillers series. This will all hopefully be coming out in the next few months, and along the way I’ll try and clear space to start work on a new book-sized project to follow on from last year’s Explosive Sweet Freezer Razors.
Up to anything else exciting this year?
At some point I’m hoping to get some shelves so I can move some of the piles of paper I’ve amassed off my office floor, which is sort of exciting, if you like tidying? Otherwise just taking each day as it comes. Oh, and maybe have a holiday or something, we’ll see.
Thanks Gareth!